1234123456789123456789 <#5296#>ESC<#5296#> [0$- No stausline
<#5297#>ESC<#5297#> [1$- Indicator statusline
<#5298#>ESC<#5298#> [2$- Hostwritable statusline
<#5299#>ESC<#5299#> [0$} Enter main display
<#5300#>ESC<#5300#> [1$} Enter statusline
If the statusline is not set to ``hostwritable'', entering the statusline will cause no text to be displayed.
Nearly all commands of the text terminal emulation work in the status- line, changing attributes, modes and character sets effect the main display too (like they do on a real VT3XX).
Commands that do not work:
save and restore cursor,
test pattern,
all DEC private mode set and reset commands,
set scrolling region.